Well maybe not by the dozen but The Chapel in Gray's Lake is Illinois is going to launch three new campuses late this summer on the same Sunday!
The Chapel was planted 12 years ago. In recent years they moved into a new building and the move was accompanied by explosive growth and an almost immediate need for more space. They started a video venue and discovered 3 things: 1) it was a cheaper alternative; 2) it was a way to achieve their desire of high impact ministry; and 3) it was a way to move closer to the people instead of building one very large church and expect everyone to come to them.
In recent days the growth has continued and opportunity for expansion through multiple campuses is abounding. The team has a focused plan that will result in the launch of three new campuses in August. Two of the new campuses are actually "adoptions" - existing churches that approached The Chapel about the opportunity to "join forces." The third campus will open in an existing church building that The Chapel snatched off the real estate market.
The Chapel is a part of our (Leadership Network's) fifth group in the Multi-site Churches Leadership Community. The Chapel's team includes Jim Tomberlin, who pioneered the regional ministry at Willow Creek Community Church. During out last meeting he made the following statement - "If you are going to be committed to multi-site, you should launch with at least 2 campuses." Jim believes that the systems and plans that have to be developed to launch one campus really have the capacity to launch at least two ... and when you launch more than one you make a commitment to not just an additional campus but rather a model of ministry. This is at the heart of The Chapel's vision.
What about you? How many have you launched? How many at once? What have you learned along the way?