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    Since 1984, Leadership Network has fostered church innovation and growth through strategies, programs, tools and resources that are consistent with our far-reaching mission: to identify, connect and help high-capacity Christian leaders multiply their impact.

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I started in ministry back in 1975. That's when I graduated from seminary. Had a great seminary experience by the way at Denver Sem. I really started in ministry the summer of 1967 when I was on the staff at Camp of the Woods in the Adirondacks of NY. All I can say is what a privilege God has given me to live at this hinge point in church history. I've seen the transition from traditional to contemporary expressions of worship and ministry to now a technological revolution in making excellent God-honoring ministry available to so many more! Thank you God, and thank you Warren and others for making best practices in this next step forward in the Kingdom more accessible to us all.
Dave Baldwin

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Multi-site Churches